Thursday, October 27, 2011

in october. my first chemo push of adriamycin

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

declined my first major show because of this.
actively caring for my health. recognizing my limits. trusting there is more for me in the future to open.

Monday, October 24, 2011


astragalus tincture in non-alcohol
gynostemma complex
dandilion root tea
vitamin B complex
Wellness Formula

updated no list...

no corn, potato, white rice, wheat, etc
nothing "white" or processed essentially
soy (tamari and tempeh are exceptions)
too sour (vinegary) foods (olives are ok)
coffee or caffeine
no "raw juicing"/cold food (always lightly steam raw veggies)
non-organic meats (must be hormone and antibiotic free) lamb is best or venison
no cruciferous veggies: broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage
no nightshades (eggplant, tomato, pepper, etc)
no fruit (except berries and maybe pitted fruit)
no beets
no processed meats even if organic
no bottom feeding fish
no farmed salmon  (wild fish in general is better)

roll call oct. 24 2011

7/14? - lumpectomy with all lymphnodes removed
7/27? -re-excision for margins
8/24? -re-excision for margins
10/11 - port placement
10/19 - egg extraction
10/20 - first chemo.
Gmail Heather Hart <>

first chemo

Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 8:40 PM

Heather - my apologies for my delay in getting back to you.  (I had a broadcast deadline.)  Feeling off is exactly what you'll feel and I imagine now that a few more days have passed you're in the thick of it.
Most important is to try to keep your weight even.  Granted, you may lose some if you're too nauseated to eat but most people gain it back after the storm passes.

Glad you were able to get the sea bands and the plums.  They were my heavenly friends and hopefully they're working for you.  If you need acupuncture, let us know.  It's important that you not do without. 

I found bathing in oils, bubble baths, or whatever substance you like helpful, sea salt, if you wish.  It's soothing and you need all the soothing you can get.

How's it going today?


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:40 AM, heather hart <> wrote:
It was easy until about 3 hours later then I felt off. still not violently off, but definitely ate the umi and went to bed under a heating pad. woke up now having a hard time going back to sleep and knowing I didn't eat enough. u still have the sea bands on and I ate a handful of sunflower seeds and more water. I'm ok just not prime and it's only the night after. I'll avoid my favorite foods but it's hard for me topicyure eating anything at this moment.

128 lbs

8 lb drop this weekend. boo. i was ok with 132, 135 is better but this is crazy. But what do they expect when they put so much crap in my system then give me more drugs to band aid the symptoms.
For some reason soups make me hurl this weekend. Steak and pasta with greens sound better.  And today for some reason I really wished I could eat a Whopper with fries. Not really, but kind of.