Sunday, May 13, 2012

skin is pretty gross now

Saving my skin:
Stinks like a barnyard but this stuff is the best. Seriously stains everything but it worked the best, felt the healthiest and I knew I wasn't drying my skin out.

Doctor recommended but it's mostly just overpriced Vaseline. And I've heard that actually dries skin out ultimately. Doesn't stink though. I used this when I was going out anywhere so I didn't smell bad.

This stuff stinks too. But like soup and grandmothers. Chinese doctor recommended. It was great for the beginning. A little intense when my skin started peeling. But it was great to take away any heat and throb. 

I love allafia. This stuff smelled great but I use too much of it to afford it. It's mostly Shea but it's like whipped or something so it's softer. I used this mostly at the very end after I healed mostly.

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